
IKEA Test Lab & Training Centre (ITTC) belongs to Inter IKEA group. ITTC is the first IKEA owned test lab outside Sweden, located in Fengxian district of Shanghai, China. Combined with a training centre for IKEA suppliers as well as our own co-workers.Our business idea is to provide the widest range of testing, training and technical support services at the best quality and low cost, to secure healthy and safe IKEA products for the many people. We strive to be the IKEA Centre of Excellence offering the best quality and value for testing, technical training and technical support.Welcome you join us. We are providing good working environment and benefit to our co-workers. And we have 7 our Shuttle bus routes from downtown to ITTC.宜家中国测试及培训中心(ITTC)位于上海市奉贤区,是宜家在瑞典阿姆霍特总部以外所设立的第一家自己拥有的集产品测试以及供应商和员工培训为一体的实验室。ITTC的经营理念是,通过提供更全面更优质的测试服务,培训服务和技术支持服务,严格监控产品质量,控制成本,为更多消费者提供安全价廉物美的宜家产品。我们致力于成为全球范围内提供最优质的测试服务,培训服务及技术支持服务的宜家卓越中心。如果你有兴趣加入,我们将会对我们的员工提供一个良好的工作环境,并为员工提供人性化的班车服务。公司拥有多条班车线路来往于市区和ITTC之间,站点涵盖南桥、漕溪路,莘庄,春申路,剑川路,东川路,民生路、浦建路、锦绣路、成山路、华夏西路、武宁南路、静安寺、陕西南路、济阳路、航华、都市路、虹莘路、都市路和水电路等区域。

公司地址:奉贤区港文路399号ITTC (邮编:201413)
*发布本招聘广告企业的营业执照名称: 宜家(中国)测试及培训中心
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